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As many of you may have noticed, i cover or cut out my face in photos a lot.... Okay in all my photos. Most of the time i prefer my face not to be in it because my outfit is more of what i would rather show. However that is not the only reason. Currently, I am going through a skin rejuvenation that completely ruins your skin in order for it to get better. I thought I should tell everyone because i wanted you all to know that i am not always camera ready. A lot of people are self conscious about something and i am about my skin. So for a while my photos will be headless. Not gonna lie i also think it makes my insta feed look better with the way its going anyway.
Bodysuit: Boohoo
Bandana: Five Below (American dollar store basically) 
Jeans: Forever21 (Not available)
Shoes: Topshop
Hat: Nordstrom
Bracelet: Etsy
Belt: Boohoo
Shirt: Forever21 (Not available)
Sunnies: Ray-ban
Belt: Boohoo
Similar Boots: Report Iggby
Bodysuit: ASOS
Pants: Forever21 (Similar)
Shoes: Forever21 (Not available)
Handbag: Coach (Thanks to Coach for gifting this bag to me, if you want to check out more about it check out my insta) Also pick up the bag on as a part of their #CoachFall2015 collection.
Jacket: Zara (Not available)
Tee: Vintage (Found it in my Attic from one of her concerts I went to when I was younger)
Jeans: Forever21 (Not available) 
Belt: Boohoo
Top: Project Social T Tunic via Urban Outfitter (Not available)
Shorts: Forever21 (Not available)
Shoes: Topshop
Bodysuit: The Reformation (Not available) 
Skirt: Forever21 (Not available)

Don't forget to scroll through the items below for a mix of exact and similar pieces!

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